Join the Core Group

At our meeting in September 2023 the following were confirmed to the Core Group roles:


Chair - Kathleen Ehrlich


Treasurer ( and deputy Chair North Bermondsey Safer Neighbourhoods Panel and member of London Bridge and West Bermondsey Safer Neighbourhoods Panel) - Julian Griffiths-Searle


Vice Chair - Andrew McKelvie


Secretary (and member of Potters Fields Park Trust) - Jilly Frisch


Communications Officer - Paul Crosbie

Are you interested in joining the STRA Core Group? We are always happy to welcome new members who are interested in volunteering their time. Please reach out to us via our email,, to express your interest.  

Dates of future Core Group meetings


The Group usually meets (currently by Zoom) on the first Wednesday of every month at 6pm, except in August.


Minutes of AGM 2022

We held our Annual General Meeting via Zoom on Thursday, 27 October 2022, 1900–2030



STRA AGM 27.10.22 Final.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 83.8 KB

Minutes of AGM 2021

We held our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 20 October 2021 via Zoom.


Minutes of the meeting are opposite.

Minutes of AGM
STRA AGM Oct 2021_final.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 96.9 KB

STRA Elected Officers 2021-22

At our meeting on 1 September 2021 the following were confirmed to the Core Group roles:


Chair - Kathleen Ehrlich (replacing Nick Napier, who stepped down)


Treasurer ( and deputy Chair North Bermondsey Safer Neighbourhoods Panel and member of London Bridge and West Bermondsey Safer Neighbourhoods Panel) - Julian Griffiths-Searle


Vice Chair - Andrew McKelvie


Secretary (and member of Potters Fields Park Trust) - Jilly Frisch


Communications Officer - Paul Crosbie

STRA Elected Officers 2020-21

STRA Core Group Roles


Chair - Nick Napier


Treasurer ( and deputy Chair North Bermondsey Safer Neighbourhoods Panel and member of London Bridge and West Bermondsey Safer Neighbourhoods Panel) - Julian Griffiths-Searle


Vice Chair - Andrew McKelvie


Secretary (and member of Potters Fields Park Trust) - Jilly Frisch


Communications Officer - Kathleen Ehrlich